Let’s make the world a better place!

We are inundated with platitudes endlessly in the media. The media always serves its master, the society that creates it. This statement “Let’s make the world a better place.” is one of my favorites because if you try to challenge it you get labeled a negative/bad/toxic human that needs to be reeducated. Yet we canContinue reading “Let’s make the world a better place!”

Awareness to Abolition

“Most of our ideologies are hallucinations.” Derrick Jensen Life in the concentration camp most call civilization/society is the culture of maximum harm; ALL culture is that. And when the learned propagandists project their ideologies on those not born of the prison, they claim there is still culture, which is most certainly a lie. It seemsContinue reading “Awareness to Abolition”

Day 30: Let the Flame – Burn Burn Burn

I can never do justice to this work Blessed is the Flame, I hope all who can will read it, study it, and see what they see. To understand how fucked we are is not as easy as one thinks, hope springs eternal. It is easy to use nihilism as a way to acquiesce fromContinue reading “Day 30: Let the Flame – Burn Burn Burn”

Day 29: Nihilism, David Foster Wallace, and Suicide Part 2 – The Flame

Nihilism is not at ideology, you don’t believe in it, you see it, how fucked this dimensional reality is and that is it no more real then the self that sees itself in the virtual reality of thought. It is does not create, it is a negation, the stripping away the membrane between us andContinue reading “Day 29: Nihilism, David Foster Wallace, and Suicide Part 2 – The Flame”